Search Algorithm Visualizer
I’ve been working hard on a new search algorithm visualizer, check it out!
Using an HTML5 canvas and async/await, it implements:
- Random Walk
- Depth First Search
- Iterative Deepening
- Breadth First Search
- Greedy Best First Search
- Recursive Best First Search
- A*
Features include:
- Variable playback speed / pausing / stepping
- What you draw is saved in the URL so you can reload the page or share the link (Twitter has a high URL length limit :) )
- Different heuristics
- Variable grid/cell size
- Kind of works on mobile
- 8-connected search as well as 4-connected
- You can update the grid in real-time while the algorithm searches (“adversarial search”)
It was tricky working around JavaScript’s single threaded nature, async/await proved to be extremely useful in this project.
See About for more info.